Modularization of MICO

In iX 10/2000 is mentioned, that the TAO Orb can load Modules like the IIOP over SSL as Shard Library. I think, things like the Security-Service should be one or more such modules, because There is the possibility to load modules over the BOA-Mechanism. But in the Code there must be a ORB::bind .

A good addition could be to specify Moduls other the commandline or the micorc-File like

the Syntax like
in the Mico-lib Directory there could be then a module like
In ORB::ORB_init , one could interpret the commandline and the rcfile one time , and The Modulelist should be shared with the BOA-Library-List, so that modules can loaded with the BOA-Library-Aktivation and the preloading.

Test for a shared Module

For a prototype here a test-Module , the insecurity-Service-Module.
There is a InsecurityCurrent and a shared Interceptor and it works :-)

You could download it: sharedintercept.tgz

A few remarks:

With the above mechanism, the mico-orb should be modularizable with shared libs...
Informatik- und Netzwerkverein Ravensburg e.V Rudolf Weber