Rudolf's Radiusd
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Documentation of the Library

Messagebuffers als central Classes

Class Nachricht manages a buffer of RADIUS-Packages.
In a Package there is a variable-length Array of Authorisation-Attributes auth_attr.
The Class Nachricht have methods to iterate over the variable-length auth_attr-Field, so there are no extra dynamic Structures nesserary during autorisation or accounting.

There are two kinds of Nachricht-buffers:

The Usermanagementfile

The Class Cacherecverw handes a record in a Cache-Database, so that the Replyattributes can be simply copied with a memcpy in the Message-buffer Zusenden.

A Cacherecord consists of one ore more Servicedescriptions. A Servicedescription describes what Services (Attribut User-service in combination with the Framed-Protocol) a user is allowed (in a Cache: already known) and the attributs the NAS needs.

The same structure is used in the clients/NAS_description. There are the description of the Services the NAS in Combination wirh a Realm can handle

Remark: I think, this is the efficientest Poissibillity.
Another Point of view is a simple Datamagement through a (Relational-) Database. But one can store this Userrecord in a Raw Field in the Database.

The Dictionary Attrdict

The Class Attrdict maintains There is also the documentation Component-Classes.

Subroutines for Radiusclients

The radiusclient Soubroutines consits of

Scanning from Radius-attribut-ascii-Representaions

The Class RaarScanner and Subclasses parse userfiles and Accountingdecscriptions


We can support different Formats of logging
Rudolf Weber Informatik- und Netzwerkverein Ravensburg e.V