Rudolf's Radiusd
Up Right

Specification of my Enhancements

These are my enhancements (and I wold like to hear your opinions and suggestions, perhaps it becomes a Standard ):


  1. The codes < 127 are the requestes from NAS, requests from 128 ... 255 are form proxies.
    In other words, the first bit is the proxy-bit.

    Background: The Combination (NAS,realm,Userservice) have defaults, which should be administed centrally in a main-Server of a realm and distributed once to the proxy-servers. So the proxy want's to know only the user-Attributes.
    So I want a simple and efficient possibility to discriminate the Requests.

  2. Database-Requests
    46 : (New-User-Request)
    Request to put a new User in the Database
    47 : (New-User-Accepted)
    positive Answer to the New-User-Request
    48 : (New-User-Reject)
    negative Answer to the New-User-Request
    or, as a request to a Server: Delete the User
    49 : (User-Update-Request)
    Only a few Attributes are changed, the answer will be 47 or 48
    50 : (User-Query-Request)
    The Administator wants to query a user (to get the Password) (very dangerous)
    51 : (User-Query-Accepted)
    The positive answer
    52 : (User-Query-Reject)
    The negative awswer
    53 : (List-Users-Request)
    A TCP-Connection to the Cleint is created and all usernames are listed. The Answer is 51 or 52
    Background: When the Radiusd accts als little Databaseserver, these recodes are usefull. It is generally nonsense tho make the radiusd to acct as a databaseserver, it only was to enable a confortable Management with gdbm as underlying Hash-table (it allows only one writer or many readers but not both, and at a ISP we don't wanted to restart the radiusd any time and don't desturb the administrator any time a now customer comes). With other DB-Routines it is really obsolet, and don't make them standard. Only a silly realm with gdbm may awnswer to this requests. For the Messages see may famous code :-)

Additional Wishes

Rudolf Weber Informatik- und Netzwerkverein Ravensburg e.V