
librpg - An other Postgres-C++ -Interface

Purpose and Advocacy

The errorhandling makes the programms ugly and heavy to understand. Thus I decided to use the try-catch-machanism.
We want a simple and efficient Interface and to use the C++-Mechanisms only when a real advantage is expected.

At this time, it is not a complete interface. Like it is in open-source Projects: Better ideas are alwas wellcome.

The Classes

Installation and Application

Download it librpg.tgz

Copy rpglib.h to the Postgres- includes and the librpg.so.* to the postgres-libraries. In the source:

in the Makefile:
mdynamisch: main.cc librpg.so rpglib.h
        $(CC) -o $@ -I$(POSTGRESPATH)/include -g main.cc -L$(POSTGRESPATH)/lib -lrpg -lpq

Further Ideas

Computerscience and Networkassocation Ravensburg e.V Rudolf Weber