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Class PgConnection


It maintains a contains a connection to the postgres-database.



The default constructor
PgConnection(const char* conninfo);
it calls connect and throws a PgException, if the connection is bad.
the destructor closes the Connection
ConnStatusType Connect(const char* conninfo);
calls mainly PQconnectdb(conninfo), which use reasonable & environment defaults
calls PQreset, which cleses the connection and opens it again.

Query of the Configuration

These are simply wrappers to the libpq-functions:
const char* DBName()
returns name of the database. It calls PQdb from the libpq.
const char* user()
calls libpq-function PQuser
const char* pass()
calls libpq-function PQpass
const char* host()
calls libpq-function PQhost
const char* port()
calls libpq-function PQport
const char* tty()
calls libpq-function PQtty
const char* options()
calls libpq-function PQoptions
int backendPID()
calls libpq-function PQbackendPID

Subbmitting SQL-Commands

void ExecCommand(const char* query,...);
it is for SQL-commands, where no tuple result is expected.
The string query is processed by sprintf. A PgException is thrown when a error occurs.
PGresult* ExecRetTuples(const char* query,...);
This is for SQL-Commands, where a tuple result is expected.
The string query is processed by sprintf. A PgException is thrown when a error occurs.

Computerscience and Networkassocation Ravensburg e.V Rudolf Weber