Left Up Right librpg - A other portgres-c++ - Interface

Class PgTransaction


The PgTransaction is for the technique "Resource aquisition is initializion", descriped in Stroustrup : The C++ - Programminglanguage (14.4.1).
Like in libpq++, a PgTransaction is a subtype of PgConnection. Thus the SQL-Commands can submitted via this Interface.
But this interface shoudn't be used alone, the PgTransaction should be initialized via the Constructor from a existing PgConnection, which keeps alive over the livetime of a PgTransaction.


PgTransaction(PgConnection &conn)
Begins a Transaction from a existing connection
If a Transaction is not commited at this time, the transactions will be rolled back
void commit()
void rollback()
Status getstatus()



main(int argc,char **argv)
   PgConnection *pgc = new PgConnection("dbname=postgres");
       PgResultHandle res;
       PgTransaction trans(*pgc); // Constructor calls BEGIN
       res=trans.ExecRetTuples("SELECT uid FROM passwd WHERE login='%s'","rw");
       for(int t=0;t<PQntuples(res.ptr());t++)
	   cout << PQgetvalue(res.ptr(),t,0) << endl;
       // in case of an Error, the Destructor is called with ROLLBACK
   catch(PgException& ex)
       cerr << "Ausnahme: " << ex.what() << endl;
   delete pgc;


I donīt know. I have seen it in iX and remembered the Designpattern "Resource aquisition is initializion" and tried it.
Computerscience and Networkassocation Ravensburg e.V Rudolf Weber