ACE is the Adaptive Computing Environment.

It is a library for parallel ond distributed programming and it

RACE are our extensions, where 'R' stands for Ravensburg or for my first name.

RACE main concerns are

The proposal is to reintegrate all or a part into ACE. The current state of our discussion is that some ideas became too different to reintegrate quickly and compatibly, thus the RACE has an own right to exist.



Internally we have CVS. If you send too many patches, we can talk about access.


The initial Version with little Modifications
  • Introduction of Macroes RACE_COND_FAIL instead of output::cond_fail
    I didn't know if the orginal autor of output.h contribute it - but he did.
  • The classes RACE_LogFile and RACE_Logger are generalized out of the projekt
  • All Headers from Utility are included like #include<utility/errorhandling.h>
  • The #include<utility/errorhandling.h> abstracts now over Errorrhandling: RACE_MEMORY_FAIL can implemented with output::cond_fail or throeing an exception.
  • Introduction of Exceptions (utility/errorclass.h and RACE/RACE_Exceptions.h) in RACE_Message_Blocks
  • example keyvalue - Idea from Dmap
  • Integration of RAMS-Relative Pointers in race/RAMS, since a RACE::DataBlock is a RAMS::Mseg
  • A DataBlockFactory generates and recycels the RACE::DataBlocks
  • enhancement of the keyvalue example with RACE_READER - we are now able to read a logfile.
  • RACE_DEPOSITORY is now reusable and unified with the RACE_LOGFILE. In a depository, we are not interested in history, but in reliable writing and recovery from crashed state.
  • The keyvalue example is now an robust implementation of a lightweight data repository and has nearly the dmap interface
  • There are test scripts excercising the robustness of the RACE_DEPOSITORY
  • The RAMS implementation meta objects are now integrated under RAMS_HVSEG.
  • A Logging segment in RAMS_HVSEG/logseg/ implements a segment with physical Logging with RACE. This demonstrates the relationship between RAMS and RACE. The Segment isn't finished now. We need snapshots and so on. But this thoughts demonstrates that our RACE-Classes are reusable.
RACE 3.0
  • The RACE::Interpreter is now called in the ReadBuffer itself. It responsible for identifing the length of the Dumpable. Thus we can interpret more types of files.
  • The Errorlogging is redesigned
  • The Semantic-hook "call-visitor" is put in the RACE_Message_Block instead of RACE_Dumpable
  • Message_Assembler (RACE_READ2): Finite State Mashine for Scanning Byte-Streams. Specification with M4-Macros
  • Bitgrabber: Utitlies for Hex-dumping, Bitgrabbing
race-3.0.1 , race_app-3.0.1 ramsmof_0_6
  • litte improvements: Notify if no diskspace ready
  • Added further RACE-Applications
  • RAMSMOF: Import the UML-Infrastructure L0 (not finisched)

Computer science and networks assocation Ravensburg e.V Rudolf Weber and friends